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From the main Reseller panel , click the "IP Assignment" icon.
The IP assignment menu allows you to view and configure your IP address allocation.
Server IPs
If you see a server IP in your table, it means that you are allowed to create name-based accounts using that IP address. That is, your customers' web sites would resolve to that IP address. In the above table, we see one server IP ( Please note that you cannot alter this IP address because it is not owned by you.
Owned IPs
An owned IP is an IP address allocated to one User only. For example, our Reseller (hostco) owns, which is the IP address of his main web site (remember that Resellers are also Users). You can think of owned IP addresses as dedicated or static IP addresses.
Technically, the Reseller "owns" all the IP addresses in the table (except for server IPs). That is, the Reseller controls how they are used.
Shared IPs
A shared IP is an IP address that more than one User can be assigned to. In the above example, our Reseller is using for name-based hosting. That is, he could create unlimited web sites that resolve to that IP address.
Free IPs
A free IP is an IP address not in use by any User. The Reseller can make it owned by a single User (to give that site its own dedicated IP address) or the Reseller can make it shared (and host many sites from that IP address).
Name Servers
The nameserver column shows which IPs the Reseller's name servers are using (this only applies if the Reseller's account comes with its own name servers). IP addresses allocated to name servers still remain free for web site hosting. This means a name server and a web site with its own dedicated IP address can exist together (use the same IP address).
Changing IP Settings
Sharing IP Addresses
To make an IP address shared (assignable to multiple Users/sites), place a check next to the IP address(es) you want to share and then click the "Share Selected" button.
Please note that you cannot share an IP address that is currently owned and in use by a User, as this may cause their site to function improperly.
Freeing IP Addresses
To free an IP address (assign to nobody), place a check next to the IP address(es) you want to free and then click the "Free Selected" button.
Please note that you cannot free an IP address that is currently used by a User, as this will cause their site to stop functioning. You can only free IP addresses that have no web sites associated with them.
Need more help?
Please contact your hosting company for more assistance, or visit the DirectAdmin support forum at https://forum.directadmin.com.
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