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(Account) Packages
From the main Reseller panel , click the "Edit User Packages" icon.
You will notice that there are no packages created on your account. It is important to create at least one package now because User (customer) accounts need a package assigned to them. Click the "Add Package" link at the top of the screen.
Remember to enter a name for your package and click the "Save" button.
Note: Spaces are not permitted for the Package Name.
Features Explained
This is the amount of data transfer allowed in a one month period. Bandwidth is measured in megabytes, and approximately 1000 megabytes of bandwidth = 1 gigabyte. When a User exceeds his/her bandwidth, their site is suspended until the first day of the next month.
Disk Space
This is the total storage space for the account, in megabytes. Domain files, MySQL databases, FTP accounts, etc., all contribute to total disk space. When a User exceeds his/her disk space, they will not be allowed to upload additional files until others are deleted.
This is the total number of domains a User can host on their account. If you select more than one, a User can add more domain names to their account and configure these domains through the control panel.
The features from the main account (e.g. disk space and bandwidth) are shared among the additional domains. Users who create additional domains do not receive extra space, bandwidth, or other features.
This is the total number of subdomains a User is allowed to have on their account.
E-Mail Accounts
This is the number of POP3 mail accounts a User is allowed to have.
E-Mail Forwarders
This is the number of forwarding addresses a User is allowed to have.
Mailing Lists
This is the number of Majordomo mailing lists a User is allowed to have.
This is the number of autoresponder accounts a User allowed to have.
MySQL Databases
This is the number of MySQL databases a User is allowed to have. MySQL databases count towards total disk space usage.
Domain Pointers
This is the number of domains that can point to the User's main account. Domain pointers are different than additional domains because all the User can do is direct pointed-domain.com ---> main-account.com. The User cannot make a web site on the pointed domain.
FTP Accounts
This is the number of FTP accounts a User can have. Even if you set this number to 0, the User will still have a default FTP account with full access to their site.
Anonymous FTP Accounts
This permits Users to allow anonymous logins to their FTP site(s). Users have the ability to disable anonymous upload while still allowing anonymous download. Anonymous FTP can present a risk to the User's site, and many Resellers choose not to enable anonymous FTP access.
CGI Access
This permits Users to run CGI scripts. If this features is enabled, a /cgi-bin directory will be created in the User's public_html directory.
SSL Access
This permits Users to install Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates on their site. Please note that a static (dedicated) IP address is required for SSL to work. If you are providing name-based hosting, then you can disable the SSL feature.
SSH Access
This permits Users to access the server through SSH (an encrypted form of Telnet). Many Resellers and Admins disable this feature due to the potential for abuse (Users have full access to server content).
DNS Control
This permits Users to alter their DNS records (e.g. A records, MX records, etc.). Many Resellers disable this feature because Users can disable their entire site by accidentally deleting or modifying domain records.
Editing / Deleting Packages
At the main Packages menu is a list of all created packages.
To delete one or more packages, place a check next to the package name(s) and click the "Delete Selected" button. In the above example, the Economy and Regular packages would be deleted.
Deleting a package will not affect Users whose accounts are associated with that package. Their accounts will remain unchanged (with the same limits as before), except the package name will not appear in their account information screen.
To edit a package, click on the package name (first column of the table). When you are finished, click the "Save" button.
Need more help?
Please contact your hosting company for more assistance, or visit the DirectAdmin support forum at https://forum.directadmin.com.
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